Shortwave and Microwave Diathermy

Deep tissue heating


maximum power


up to 2 channels


continuous or pulsed modes

Shortwave Diathermy

Shortwave diathermy offers up to 400 W for deep tissue heating.

Choose from single-channel capacitive and multi-channel inductive applicators to cover both superficial and deep-lying tissues.

As the therapy induces intense thermic effects, it is the perfect choice for muscle spasms, back pain, tendinopathies, and degenerative joint diseases.


Microwave Diathermy

Microwave diathermy uses microwaves to generate heat in the body with a power of up to 250 W in both continuous and pulsed modes.

Microwave radiators induce moderate heat in the superficially lying tissues.

Such a gentle heat makes the therapy suitable mainly for Inflammatory and degenerative joint diseases. The therapy promotes pain relief and increased blood flow.

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Capacitive Applicator 85 mm
Capacitive Applicator 130 mm
Inductive Applicator 140 mm
Large Field Applicator for Microwave
Rubber applicator

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